Paracycling-study – Looking for participants
13. Januar 2023
Dear Paracycling Athletes,
we are looking for participants in a paracycling-study in cooperation with the IST-University Düsseldorf (GER).
The aim of the study is to validate the use of the metabolic simulations by Mader in performance testing for paracycling on strict scientific standards. The newly generated insides seek to improve the sport scientific practice in paracycling. Due to the different body composition of paracyclers in comparison to able-bodied athletes it is necessary to properly calibrate the simulation.
All we need from you is some sweat and a little time. In exchange, you will receive your metabolic profile and if you like an evaluation with our experienced researchers.
After completing the study, all of you will benefit from improved performance testing tools with a robust scientific basis to support your training process.
How to:
The tests will take place within two days in Hannover at the laboratory of Dr. Ralf Lindschulten.
First, we measure your body composition using bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) and your resting metabolic rate (spirometry).
Afterwards a step test like protocol will follow to estimate the relevant performance parameters (max. lactate production rate, max. oxygen uptake, anaerobic threshold). During the test blood lactate concentration, heart rate and gas exchange will be measured. In order to validate the calculated anaerobic threshold two 30-minute constant workload tests will be conducted. The first one will follow on the first study-day, the second one on the next day.
Would you like to participate in this study?
Date: anytime between mid-January to mid-May 2023
Expenses for travel and accommodation will be refunded for up to 300 Euro.
+49 511 7001 1210